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Accueil We are your strategic and operational growth partner, sincere and committed, and we are here to bring you impact. now and for a long time know us Download PDF WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS (BUSINESS ACTION PLAN, YIELD MANAGEMENT, STRATEGY, TRANSFORMATION, DEVELOPMENT, etc.), WE SUPPORT YOU now and for a long time You are Complementary know-how for maximum impact Expertise team skill network method process Learn more they trusted us for their growth see our references We had already worked with Impact Consultants for our North American market. The collaboration was a great success, this new cooperation for our arrival in Europe was also a success. FLORENCE PASQUIERCCO – RAIL EUROPE The IMPACT CONSULTANTS teams supported us in each phase of our growth plan (preparation of fundraising, BP, investor pitch, re-organization). We had at our disposal highly qualified, complementary and experienced profiles. A big thank you for your involvement and the quality of your advice. The work continues, with you. Now and for a long time. PASCAL NIFFOI DIRECTOR AND CO-FOUNDER – N&C The ability of the Impact Consultants teams to analyze all aspects of the merger without preconceived ideas, and their understanding of the challenges facing the tourism market, enabled them to win the confidence of all stakeholders and implement the reorganization in record time. PHILIPPE LAGRACESALES AND MARKETING DIRECTOR – LA COMPAGNIE DES ALPES Pleasure to have in front of us people who are both nice (and that counts), caring, pros and that we would end up taking for colleagues as they are so involved in our subjects ! SEVERINE ROBINDIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT – FUTUROSCOPE Our partnership with Impact Consultants has proven instrumental in our pursuit of success in the French market, solidifying their status as our strategic and dependable allies in achieving our international objectives. Their performance in the first year of our collaboration has surpassed our expectations, with results exceeding our initial targets. DAVID GARCIAMANAGING DIRECTOR – PORTAVENTURA WORLD PrĂ©cĂ©dent Suivant news IMPACT CONSULTANTS x BUSINESS TRAVEL SHOW – IMPACT CONSULTANTS x BUSINESS TRAVEL SHOW – IMPACT CONSULTANTS X travel business show What’s up BTS ? From 19 to 20 June, London Alexandre Veau at the Business Travel 
 IMPACT CONSULTANTS X The Pioneers Forum IMPACT CONSULTANTS X The Pioneers Forum IMPACT CONSULTANTS X THE PIONEERS FORUM A window into the world of tourism From 3 to 7 June on RĂ©union Island   
 IC arrives in the UK, now and for a long time to come, with Juliette Thorpe joining the team IC arrives in the UK, now and for a long time to come, with Juliette Thorpe joining the team Impact Consultants is making a lasting entrance into the UK with the addition of Juliette Thorpe to its team! Juliette Thorpe’s arrival 
 all the news

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NDC, A NEW ERA FOR AIR TRANSPORT DISTRIBUTION? For the travel industry, NDC – New Distribution Capability – modernizes and facilitates the distribution and sale of airline tickets and attached services for airlines, aggregators and agencies.This standard, initiated in the early 2010s, takes time to be adopted by the various players in the sector: its implementation is indeed an opportunity to challenge existing economic models. An update on this key development that is shaking up the air transport and tourism sector. A bit of historyFor more than thirty years, the travel industry has relied on the GDS (Global Distribution System) to consolidate the content of airlines (number of seats available, schedules, tariffs, special conditions etc.) and make it available to travel agencies.But the model has two major limitations:– the cost of distributing GDS is very high for airlines– the technology used, EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration) dates from the 1970s and is now obsolete. Its limitations prevent the airline sector from evolving in the distribution of its tariffs and simply offering its new services. Hence the idea of a new model: this is how NDC was born. What is NDC? In 2012, aware of the limitations mentioned, IATA (International Air Transportation Association, representing all airlines) in collaboration with its active members, launched NDC (New Distribution Capability). The idea is to offer entirely new perspectives to distribution, especially increased personalization of travel offers for customers. More concretely, in this new model, airlines can differentiate the services they provide to their customers, with many potential benefits for them: making more informed decisions when choosing a flight, simplified access to all products available on a route. This new standard is very promising for airlines: it allows them to greatly improve the customer experience and significantly enhance the transparency of the search and booking process. The Challenges of Sector Transformation However, for other stakeholders, especially travel agencies and GDS (Global Distribution Systems), this technological and economic disruption does not come without significant adaptation. This new standard enables a direct link between airline inventories and agencies, potentially leading to a major reevaluation of the existing system and a reshuffling of the distribution chain. In fact, it obliges travel agencies and GDS to reinvent themselves: by improving the customer experience, enhancing their services, and emphasizing their value as distributors. As demonstrated by Air France’s recent report on the French market, this crucial transition is not without pain. But it also opens up new opportunities… Are there exciting opportunities to seize, or is it a difficult crisis to overcome for agencies that must adapt on multiple fronts? What do you think? How can this economic and technological disruption be transformed into a growth opportunity? HĂ©lĂšne Millet and Rodolphe Lenoir, Tuesday, February 28, 2023. For more information on the Business Climate Convention, click here! Share this page


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