The JOP 2024 will also be a test of hospitality and an opportunity to optimize the customer/ visitor experience and make it a reference.

We know that this will be the case for athletes, with or without disabilities, who are the subject of organization and prevention. The real stake is next to = make this event a tourist success for all 16 million expected tourists where hospitality, conviviality, security and happiness will be at the rendezvous.
It is also the stake for us, French residents that this event does not alienate us and on the contrary strengthens our criticized hospitality.

With more than 75 million visitors in 2022, France is the world’s leading tourist destination. The JOP will generate a surplus of visitors that France and its residents must assume, not only through infrastructure and organization but also through hospitality services.

At IMPACT CONSULTANTS we participate in this dynamic by accompanying technological hospitality solutions in order to ensure their deployment to the greatest number .

Technologies that recognize the vital needs, the «special needs» of tourists and visitors, amplified by the effects of crowds and stress that go with Major Events: need for information, need for mobility, need for security and need for assistance in order to be able to reduce latent or proven worry factors and soothe the mind and enjoy the stay.

These technologies include Visitmoov, which automatically generates tailored tour itineraries adapted to mobility constraints and possibilities; Affluences, which tracks, predicts, and provides information about crowd conditions in transportation and visitor locations; Ezymob, which guides people with disabilities through mobility obstacles and public places; and Rewind, which enhances the support and guidance provided by audio guides.

All of these technologies possess significant technological advantages, and their initial deployments have been noteworthy. Ezymob has been used during the World Para Athletics Championships in Paris from July 8 to 17, 2023. Rewind has been employed with visitors at the Grand Aquarium in Paris and on tourist buses in Lyon and Marseille. Visitmoov has been implemented in partnership with the Nice Metropolis to identify and model tourist flows.

Additionally, there is the French startup Wever, which, drawing from its experience in France and Switzerland, addresses the issue of perceived insecurity by developing a companion service for tourists who may feel isolated.

The keys to the upcoming months for these technologies to fully fulfill their mission of enhancing hospitality will be:

  1. Personalizing and improving the customer experience, with a focus on a humanized and capable user experience (in the visitor’s language).

  2. Easier integration into existing platforms, whether they are interoperable platforms like tourism office websites or single-operator platforms like those of museums, hotels, or transportation providers. Integration should be a matter of days rather than months.

  3. Widespread deployment, accessible to a broad range of users, from major attractions to local sites and hotels, through various platforms.

These three priorities for the « before » period are guiding the support provided by IMPACT CONSULTANTS.

In turn, these technologies will become tools of hospitality that event organizers, accommodations, transportation providers, as well as local residents, ambassadors, helpers, and passersby in France will be happy to have at their disposal to enhance their hospitality.

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